The Gamma Knife Centre Open Day and Information Exhibition | 26 Nov 2024
The Gamma Knife Centre Open Day and Information Exhibition organized by the Gamma Knife Charitable Fund concluded with resounding success last Saturday. This event attracted numerous visitors who were eager to learn more about Gamma Knife radiosurgery and to gain more valuable insights into the origins and case studies of treatment of brain tumours. They also understand the mission and vision of the Gamma Knife Charitable Fund.
Visitors engaged in stimulating “Brain Puzzle” game that challenges their cognitive skills and deepened their knowledge of the complexities and functions of different areas of the brain.
As the first public tour of the Gamma Knife treatment system LEKSELL Gamma Knife ICON in Hong Kong, we would like to express our special thanks to the physicists who provided detailed information about Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Their expertise and in-depth explanations provided valuable information to visitors, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the advantages and operational principles of Gamma Knife radiosurgery, making this event more enriching and meaningful. Additionally, visitors could also enjoy a complimentary body composition analysis to enhance their health awareness.
We appreciate the enthusiastic visitors and look forward to organizing more events in the future.
Please visit our facebook for more event highlights: