Activity News

Exploring Brain Tumour Treatment from all aspects「醫學專題講座 – 腦腫瘤治療面面觀」 | Health Action Magazine|10 OCT 2024

Exploring Brain Tumour Treatment from all aspects

“Exploring Brain Tumour Treatment from all aspects” medical seminar concluded last Thursday, October 10th, was a resounding success, with over 230 members of the public in attendance. We extend our gratitude to everyone for their enthusiastic support of our charitable fund medical education initiatives!

A special thanks to neurologist Dr. Robert Ho and neurosurgeon Dr. Fan Yiu Wah for their insightful explanations on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment methods of brain tumours, as well as addressing audience queries. We were also honored to have Ms. Wong, a beneficiary of the Gamma Knife Charitable Fund, who shared her personal journey of being diagnosed with a brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM), providing a patient’s perspective on undergoing Gamma Knife Radiosurgery.

Gamma Knife Charitable Fund aspires to enlighten the public on knowledges of brain tumours, particularly the application and management of Gamma Knife radiosurgery. We also aim to share our mission and vision of providing financial support to patients in need.

More events highlight:

Over 230 attendees filling the lecture theatre attentively listening to the doctors' explanations during the seminar.
Dr. Ho shared the treatment procedure of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery.
Dr. Fan explained the symptoms of raised intracranial pressure.
After the lecture, attendees actively engaged in the Q&A session and asked the doctors questions about brain tumour treatment.
The attendees gained a deeper understanding of the history and advantages of Gamma Knife.
Ms. Wong currently undergoing Gamma Knife treatment sharing her treatment journey and experiences with the audience.